Leon Rollerson Productions

Leon Rollerson Historical Museum

"A Moment in Time"

Leon Rollerson Historical Museum
  "A Moment In Time"

The Leon Rollerson Historical Museum is a museum about History and Culture where all Americans can learn about the richness and diversity of many artist. A museum that seeks to understand history through the talents of the artist. History and Culture explored.
The Leon Rollerson Historical Museum is a service of society and its development.  We have locations that are mobile and online in a digital format. We present our art by personal communication and by exhibits, the tangible and intangible presentation for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.

The purpose of the Leon Rollerson Historical Museum is to collect, highlight, preserve, interpret, and display objects of artistic, cultural, musical or scientific significance for the education of the public by display, media, television, radio and thru print. From a visitor, viewer, listener or community perspective, the purpose will depend on one's point of view.


Leon Rollerson
Victoria Ellington
Dr. Lana Turner-Addison
Thomas Kirk
Ralph Hooks
Tonnie Nichols
Bruce Benjamin
Coach Lloyd Ware
Turner Goodrum
Florence Reed
Princetta Rudd-Newman
Cheyenne Taylor
Raven Morris
Bruce Benjimine
Coach Mike Mims
Dr. Rodney Clark
Coach LaMar Burks
Mary Williams
Oklahoma Eagle
Selby Minner, Blues Hall CEO.
Ronald and Donald Stephens.
Billie Parker
ShIron Ray Festival producer
Oscar Ray
Ernestine Dillard, famous vocalist, (performed for 5 presidents).
Peter Biasdaz
Boris Nichols
Elaine McDondle
Brandiy Hammons
Starr Winans
Brenda Barre

Jane Malone
The Greenarch, LLC and the Hille Foundation.
Eric Rollerson
Mabelle Wallace
Loves lounge
Kenny Monday
Greenwood of Tulsa History
Tulsa History
Famous Artist
Military Veterans
Movie Actors
Stage, Television and Movie Producers
Senior Citizens