Leon Rollerson Productions

Leon Rollerson Diamond Awards

Hall of Fame

​Leon Rollerson Productions  ​and
StarTime Productions Presents

Award Honorees of Education Involvement
Dr. Joey Crutcher - Gospel Music Leader - Student Involvement 
Dr. Lana Turner-Addison - Former Tulsa Public Schools Board president
Dr. Rodney Clark - Founder of the Langston Hughes Academy, Film Maker
Elmer Davis - Retired Teacher and Director of the BTW Marching band
Jack Henderson - Former Tulsa City Councilman, President of A Phillip Randolph 
Joe Williams - Former president of 100 Blackmen, Tulsa City Council
Kevin Mathews - Oklahoma Senator, Student motivator - Retired Firefighter
Mike Mims - Teacher - Award Winning coach - Assistant Principal
Robecca Marks-Jimerson - Teacher - Student Involvement Organizer
Victoria Ellington - Teacher - Producer for Student
Luther Pegues - Teacher - Award Winning coach - Hall of Fame Coach.
Duwayne Barnett - Retired Member of the DEA Law Enforcement Agency
Wilbert Harris - Assistant Principal at Edison Middle school
Mary Walker - Retired Educator from Tulsa Community College
Tony Jackson - Retired Educator from Tulsa Public Schools    
Marcene Mackie - Retired Educator 
Orlando Hazley - Retired Educator from Tulsa Public Schools
Dr. Andrea Anderson - Educator Tulsa Community College - Rollerson Productions Director 
Senator Judy Eason-McIntire -   
Oklahoma Senator retired - Supporter of Education
Kim Jackson - Education Reporter for Channel 8 Television 
Mozelle Lewis - Retired Educator from Tulsa Public Schools
Linda Thomas - Teacher - Student Involvement Organizer  
Linda Henderson-McMullen - Retired Educator from Tulsa Public Schools 
Rita Latimer - Retired Teacher
Willie Mackie - Retired Principal

Individuals: Field of Leadership Education
Brenda Barre’ - Retired Educator Tulsa Public Schools - Historian
Jeff Roberson - Educator Peary Elementary School - Historian
Dr. Mike Moore - Retired Teacher - Field Leader in music - Historian
Jama Moore - Retired Teacher - Field Leader in music
Dian Danner - Teacher - Student Involvement Organizer
John Hamill - Educator - Historian
Ronnie Patterson - Retired Teacher - Producer
Wilbert Collins - Tulsa Public School Board member
Regina Goodwin - State Representative

Organizations of Education Honored
Janetta Williams - Miss Black Tulsa
Pleas Thompson - NAACP 
Eddie Evans - 100 Blackmen of Tulsa Organization
Jason McIntosh - Director of the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame
Bennie Davis - Martin L. King, Jr. Society
Jim Goodwin - Oklahoma Eagle Newspaper
Bobby Green - Rollerson Television Radio Internet Broadcasting 
Francis Jordon - Greenwood Cultural Center
Bobby Eaton - Radio Show Education
Giselle Bagby - Leon Rollerson Productions
Jeff Cos - Board president of the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame
Wayne Washington - Founder of the Wayne Washington Organization for Education
Harold Wise - Founder of Teach Peace. For Peace and Education
Ricky Jackson - Founder of the Tulsa Cultural Event. Bringing cultures together for education.
Carmen Pettie - Martin L. King, Jr. Society - Parade Director
Ralph Hooks - Teacher of Realestate